See you tomorrow!

School starts for 2017 tomorrow at 9am- please allow some time for your child to get settled into their new class before the bell rings.

Stationery lists will be sent home tomorrow, alternatively you can create a Kindo account which you can use to pay online (stationery, hats, donations, trips, etc)- it is super easy and saves a trip to the office. - click here to visit the Kindo website

Swimming days will be Monday and Wednesday, swimming will start week 2 and is compulsory for all children.

Please help your child to pack their school hat (this must be worn in terms 1 and 4), and their book bag. An interim reading book will be sent home for the first 2 weeks (not necessarily at your child's reading level), to help the kids learn routines around taking books home each night and returning them.

I am looking forward to an exciting first day in Room 25- see you tomorrow :)
